Car freshener with powder scent - Rozito

Car freshener with powder scent

Car freshener with powder scent

  • 8 ml
  • It has the scent of talcum powder, baby powder and cosmetics
  • Suitable for bedrooms, massage parlors, sports clubs,
  • Anti-stress, relaxing

The car air freshener with a powder scent has a powder essential oil. This essential oil in perfumes actually reminds of a feeling full of cleanliness, purity and freshness.

When the subject of powder fragrance comes up, various powdery smells come to mind, such as the smell of talcum powder, baby powder, old cosmetics and health creams.

But you might be interested to know that the original origin of this scent was rice powder, which was obtained from ground rice grains. Powder scent is one of the most common scents in the production of perfumes